Semaphore UI – Ansible GUI

Semaphore is actually more than just an Ansible GUI. It can also add Terraform, OpenTofu, and batch scripts. I will be moving my Ansible tasks over to Semaphore. Installing Semaphore using Docker Compose I’m not Read more…

Install OpenVAS (GVM) in Kali Linux

Installing OpenVAS in Kali Linux can be a bit confusing. Below I outlined the steps. OpenVAS is sometimes also referred to as GVM, or “Greenbone Vulnerability Management”, that is why sometimes you need to use Read more…

Local ChatGPT using LMStudio, Lanchain, and our RAG data

This post follows from my previous post about RAGs (steps 1, 2, and 3) which can be found here: In this post we will spin up the LMStudio server and use Langchain to chat Read more…

Lancache and Pihole – The easy way

There doesn’t seem to be a single, simple, straight forward tutorial online that shows how to get Lancache working with Pihole. These are the URLs that I referenced to get this working, so just listing Read more…

Mikrotik – How to change wireless channel frequency

In order to change the wireless frequency channel on Mikrotik, you must use the “center” channel: Lets take channel 5’s center frequency which is 2432: On your Mikrotik you can enter just 2432 and Read more…

Update Cloudflare Zero Trust Gateway IP using APIs

Scenario Solution Cloudflare has an extensive list of APIs available to do just about anything. We are interested in this API: Step 1: Create an API Key and grab your Account ID You can Read more…

ESP32Cam running ESPHome

This is a continuation from this article: Bascially, I have an ESP32Cam that I want to add to Home Assistant. My Home Assistant runs in Docker (So no supervisor. It is also called Home Read more…

Firefox browser isolation (sandbox) in Docker

All thanks to this developer: Why use browser isolation? Running an isolated (also called sanbox) browser in a container is a good idea to compartmentalize your browsing or to investigate a potentially suspicious URL. Read more…

ESPHome on Home Assistant running in Docker

This is an extention to my “Home Assistant on Docker” post which can be found here: Adding ESPHome to Home Assistant that is running in docker is quite straight forward. Just add the following to Read more…

OpenSSL on Windows and adding SSL Cert to Zigbee2MQTT

This is an extension to my “Home Assistant on Docker” post which can be found here: The issue Because I access Home Assistant over SSL, the IFrames must also be loaded over SSL. Keep Read more…

IPTables and order of rules

Added an iptables rule but getting “connection reset by peer” or you still cannot connect, then read on. Run this command: sudo iptables -L –line-numbers Always backup your existing rules first: sudo iptables-save > savedrules.txt Read more…

Symlink your Google Chrome cache to /tmp

Refer two posts down on how to move your /tmp folder to memory (tempfs). Now symlink your Google Chrome (or Firefox) cache to /tmp (which resides in memory). rm -rf ~/.cache/google-chrome ln -s /tmp ~/.cache/google-chrome

SSD performance tip 1

Here is an excellent resource. A bit long but really great! I recently bought myself an SSD hard drive for my old notebook. Well worth it! You need to make a few tweaks though Read more…

Ubuntu performance and Swappiness

Wait what? Is swappiness even an actual word? According to Google Chrome’s built in spell checker and most probably any dictionary it is not, but to any Linux user and expert out there, it most Read more…

Plex not seeing NTFS external hard drive

type sudo blkid. You will get output like this: /dev/sda1: UUID=”9081b56d-8715-49f3-a35d-529a39d5780e” TYPE=”ext4″ PARTUUID=”c8168d71-01″ /dev/sda5: UUID=”fbd90bd5-6b1a-4088-8569-0afbf0faebab” TYPE=”swap” PARTUUID=”c8168d71-05″ /dev/sdb1: UUID=”79a6887b-0168-464e-9507-84cc1233fcb6″ TYPE=”ext4″ PARTUUID=”c3072dd0-01″ /dev/sdc1: UUID=”4E65750852A3B04A” TYPE=”ntfs” PARTUUID=”000dfe15-01″ Way at the end is the NTFS drive. Now create Read more…

PS3MediaServer on Ubuntu

Plex is cool, but if your internet goes down, then your clients can’t always connect. So, back the the basics for me with ps3MediaServer as a backup: sudo apt-get install mencoder tsmuxer avisynth ffmpeg mplayer Read more…

Some apache2 configs for owncloud

OMS, the apache guys just can’t stick to a standard. But anyhow, here are some configs to do: Issue 1 (Where is my config.php) Most likely it is in /var/www/owncloud/config/config.php Issue 2 (when starting Apache) Read more…

Correct Kali repos and VirtualBox bidirectional clipboard

nano /etc/apt/sources.list deb kali-rolling main contrib non-free # For source package access, uncomment the following line deb-src kali-rolling main contrib non-free Then do: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y sudo apt-get Read more…

Kali on Hyper V

I recently had to get Kali up and running on Hyper V. Here are some tips and tricks: After installation, use these sources (they might change after some time so always check the Kali website Read more…

Prevent devices from bypassing pihole (mikrotik)

Thanks to this guy for this awesome post: Basically, you need to do this: Change to your pi hole IP Change to your subnet #Make sure all DNS goes to pihole IP Read more…

remote error: tls: bad record MAC

I sometimes get this in docker or a VM. It is related to checksum offloading onto the NIC. Diable checksum offloading: sudo apt install ethtool sudo ethtool –offload eth0 rx off tx off

Github RPC failed; curl 56 GnuTLS recv error A TLS fatal alert has been received

I am running Ubuntu 18.04 in HyperV and couldn’t push to Github. Pull was fine. This was LEGIT the fix. A driver issue…. Go here to get the latest Intel WiFi driver: